Sunday, April 10, 2011

Script Done...time to memorize...the script is inside.

Geez the last time I blogged was Feb 21, 2011.

Holy crap that's been a long time. Well I guess I should give you guys a little update on my one man show.' it goes.

I finish the scripted. Feel free to read it.

Therapy by Tully Bertorelli
·         Doctor Craven Moorehead – Smart, intelligent, know it all, the listener most of the time. Most of the time referred to as Doc.
·         Warren Peace – Patient, multiple personality disorder. Goes to Therapy every day.
·         Narrator – Appears in the beginning of the play and the end.
·         Chorus – Jumps in during Time Warp number
The setting takes place during a therapy session.
A figure walks out to the stage and walks towards the center. A spotlight hits him on. Twilight Zone music is playing in the background.

Narrator“You are traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. If you think you’re seeing something different, then something must be wrong with you. Welcome to Therapy. We take you into a doctor’s office on a normal day of Doctor Craven Moorhead. Doctor Craven Moorhead is one of the best doctors in the whole world. Everyone goes to him. From Charlie Sheen to other crazy celebrities. The man who’s about to enter is Warren Peace. A patient of Doctor Craven Moorhead’s. He has a multiple personality disorder. So don’t be afraid. But just in case, an oxygen mask will fall from the ceiling for you and your loved ones to breathe. First, place the mask over your face and pull the strings. And if you have any children with you. Let the buggar defend himself. This is life or death. But most of all this is therapy…”
Light goes off as a figure walks out. The scene lights up as we take you inside a doctor’s office. There is a desk with a couch by the desk.
Voice Over (female nurse) – “Mr. Peace, Doctor Craven Moorhead will be right with you. Just wait inside. He will be with you shortly.”
Warren Peace enters in the scene and sits down on the couch. He plays with his thumbs for a second as he is waiting for Doctor Craven Moorhead. Wait for 30 seconds…a television will roll into the scene. Doctor Craven Moorhead’s face will appear on the television screen like Max Headroom.
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Mr. Warren Peace it’s so nice to see you today. How are you feeling today?”
Warren Peace – “Not so good Doc. Not so good…”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Hmm and why is that?”
Warren Peace – “I’m losing all my hair. Rip-Off. I was going to this woman in L.A…uh who’s supposed to make it grow again. Jesus Christ. Dumb treatment. She’s got this dumb treatment thing she does, it cost like sixty bucks a shot, she squeezes this lemon citrus solution on the scalp, and then rubs it really hard, and it stings, she’s this French woman, and it really stings like it’s on fire. And then she puts “special mud” on it which kind of cools it off a little. And you sit there with this mud on your head for 20 minutes. And there are all these other women, you know her other clients getting their eyelashes dyed or something, and talking about shoes and stuff and you feel like an idiot sitting there. And then finally she’s washes it off and then she takes this electric comb it has this umm…have you ever seen those electric fly catchers...those electric grill like boxes with a zappy blue light that kills flies? When they fly into it? This comb it’s kind of the same thing. This static blue light…uh electricity that kinds of pops when she scrapes across your scalp and she just rakes this comb over your head and it really hurts, you feel like punching her and then she takes a regular comb and combs around your hair and she always goes “Ooh…I see all these little bebe hairs coming up,” but it’s all bullshit cause I’m still losing my hair and I’m out three thousand bucks from seeing this woman, the only thing is I don’t have any flies on my scalp, bit fat deal.”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “It seems like we talked about this last week. And I believe we talked about this yesterday too.”
Warren Peace – “Yea doc, I know but it’s bugging me.”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Well let’s talk about what we do when we have a problem?”
Warren Peace – “We kick it, Stomp it, and then Harpoon It.”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Noooo that’s what you did before you met me.”
Warren Peace – “Oh yeah I forgot.”
Warren Peace closes his eyes.
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Think…close your eyes...and remember. It's astounding, time is fleeting, madness takes its toll, but listen closely, not for very much longer...
Warren Peace opens eyes.
Warren Peace – “I've got to keep control. I remember doing the Time Warp. Drinking those moments when the blackness would hit me and the void would be calling...”
Chorus jumps into the scene
Chorus – “Let's do the time warp again...Let's do the time warp again!
Doctor Craven Moorhead - “It's just a jump to the left.”

Chorus – “And then a step to the right.”

Doctor Craven Moorhead – “With your hands on your hips.”

Chorus – “You bring your knees in tight. But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane,
Let's do the Time Warp again!”

Warren Peace – “It's so dreamy, oh fantasy free me. So you can't see me, no not at all. In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention. Well-secluded, I see all with a bit of a mind flip you’re there in the time slip. And nothing can ever be the same. You're spaced out on sensation, like you're under sedation

Chorus – “Let's do the Time Warp again! Let's do the Time Warp again!
Warren Peace - Well I was walking down the street just a-having a think. When a snake of a girl gave me an evil wink. She shook me up, she took me by surprise. She had a pickup truck and the devil's eyes. She stared at me and I felt a change Time meant nothing, never would again

Chorus - Let's do the Time Warp again! Let's do the Time Warp again!
Doctor Craven Moorhead - “It's just a jump to the left.”
Chorus – “And then a step to the right.”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Put your hands on your hips.”

Chorus – “You bring your knees in tight. But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane,
Let's do the Time Warp again Let's do the Time Warp again!”
Warren Peace sits back down like nothing happened.
Doctor Craven Moorhead – You see, Warren that wasn’t so bad, was it?
Warren Peace – “I guess your right doctor.
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “I’m always right. I mean I am a doctor you know. What also seems to bug you Mr. Peace?”
Warren Peace – “Hamlet.”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “What’s wrong with Hamlet? Hamlet is a wonderful piece of literature.”
Warren Peace – “I hate it…I hate Hamlet.”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “How could you hate Hamlet?”
Warren Peace – “Well as you know I was performing it last night. Last night, right from the start, I knew I was bombing. I sounded big and phony, real thee and thou, and then I started rushing it, hi, what's new in Denmark? I just could not connect. I couldn't get a hold of it. And while I'm...babbling, I look out, and there's this guy in the second row, a kid, like 16, obviously dragged there. And he's yawning and jiggling his legs and reading his program, and I just wanted to say, hey kid, I'm with you, I can't stand this either! But I couldn't do that, so I just keep feeling worse and worse, just drowning. And I thought, okay, all my questions are answered -- I'm not Hamlet, I'm no actor, what am I doing here? And then I get to the soliloquy, the big job, I'm right in the headlights, and I just thought, oh Christ, the hell with it, just do it!
To be or not to be, that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
and by opposing, end them.
And I kept going, I finished the speech, and I look out, and there's the kid -- and he's listening. The whole audience -- complete silence, total focus. And I was Hamlet. And it lasted about ten more seconds, and then I was in Hell. And I stayed there. But for that one little bit, for that one speech -- I got it. I had it. Hamlet. And only eight thousand lines left to go.”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Well that didn’t sound bad. I don’t recall you going back into acting. I thought ever since last time.”
Warren Peace – Last time…
Warren Peace stands up and it’s time for another soliloquy
 Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Oh okay Mr. Shakespeare…let’s get back to reality.
Warren Peace sits back down like as if nothing is wrong with him. He turns to doctor and smiles.
Warren Peace – “As you were saying doc.”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Well I see for that on my clock that we have only 5 minutes. Is there anything else you want to talk about?”
Warren Peace – “No I actually feel pretty good today Doc. I think I’m going to go out, walk my dog, I’m going to the movies! I’m going to opium dens, yes, opium dens, Mother. I’ve joined the Hogan Gang, I’m a hired assassin, I carry a Tommy gun in a violin case. I run a string of cat houses in the Valley. They call me Killer, Killer Wingfield. I’m leading a double life: a simple, honest warehouse worker by day, by night, a dynamic czar of the underworld, Mother. On occasion they call me El Diablo.
Oh I could tell you many things to make you sleepless. My enemies plan to dynamite this place. They’re going to blow us all sky high some night. I’ll be glad,
very happy, and so will you! You’ll go up, up on a broomstick, over Blue Mountain
with seventeen gentleman callers. You ugly, babbling old witch....Same time next week?”
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Same time next week.”
Warren Peace leaves.
Doctor Craven Moorhead – “Marla, can you cancel all my appointments today I feel like going golfing with Tiger and Charlie in the afternoon.”
A figure walks out to the stage and walks towards the center. A spotlight hits him on. Twilight Zone music is playing in the background.
Narrator – Did you notice that all the faces you saw today were performed by the same person? Did you realize that I’m actually not a narrator? Just kidding. What will happen to Warren Peace? Will he be cured? Is Doctor Craven Moorhead the funniest name you ever heard of? Did you get the name Warren Peace? War and Peace? Get it. If not… maybe you need…therapy….
Hope you all like. I'm almost off script.